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Basic Information - Kneehigh Ninja - Playground
Username: Password:

Basic Information - Kneehigh Ninja Playground

Welcome to the Kneehigh Ninja "Pop up" Indoor Playground. Our indoor playground is a great alternative for toddlers (ages 3 and under) to enjoy themselves in a roomy, safe, and fun filled environment. Our facility is equipped with a padded floor and various activities that will keep your child active and entertained. On those cold and rainy winter days, enjoy the comfort of an indoor facility where your kids will find a ton of fun! A maximum of 30 playing children are allowed on the floor at one time. Walk ins are accepted if room is available, but please always call ahead. To reserve a spot, please simply email us (link below) at least the night before. If you are a nanny, au pair, baby sitter or legal guardian, please read our liability waiver policy below!

Playground dates "pop up" and are announced via email usually on the Sunday before. We are typically open during the months of November through March (Playground is open weekdays only). If you have a group of 15 or more toddlers, you can email us to request a private play date. If you do not have a reservation, please call us to make sure we are open. If you wish to be added to our email notification list, please send us an email at RheeFC@gmail.com.

The playground will close at 11:30 AM if there are no children playing at this time. If you plan to attend during this time period, you must make a reservation in advance.

For the safety of the infants and toddlers playing in our playground, the Ninja Indoor Playground is limited to children 3 years old or younger.

Jhoon Rhee TKD Playground
Jhoon Rhee TKD Playground

Indoor Playground at:

Jhoon Rhee TKD
Open Weekdays Only
(by announcement)
9:30 am to 12:00 pm
( please check calendar below or join our mailing list below to receive our notices )

Join Our Mailing List
For Email Newsletters you can trust

Falls Plaza West, 1136 West Broad Street, Falls Church, VA (Next to the Baskin Robbins and Dry Cleaner)
703-237-7433 / RheeFC@gmail.com

Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do is located in the Falls Plaza Shopping Center between the Baskin Robbins Ice Cream and the Dry Cleaners. There is plenty of parking in the shopping center lot as well as the rear of the center by the CVS Drive through. Parking in the rear of the center is closer to our entrance.

Reservation Required:

  • Once a playground date has been announced, please email us (click on the link below) to reserve your child's play date.
  • Walk-ins are accepted only if room permits. Please always check our calendar and call before arriving as a walk in.

Fees and Payment: All payments are cash only at the door

  • Unlimited play! Stay as long as you want. $8 per child (crawlers and walkers)
  • Infants FREE (babies that remain in a carrier or stroller)

Liability Waiver

Attention Nannies and Baby sitters. The liability waiver must be completed in its entirety. If you do not know the basic information of the children you are caring for, please have the parents complete the waiver you arrive to the playground.


Email Us To Reserve your Playdate

The playground is only open on the days indicated in blue

We will notify you to confirm your appointment

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